About the PLDD

The Port Ludlow Drainage District (PLDD) is a Jefferson County Special Purpose District that is tasked with resolving storm water drainage problems on common property within the North Bay area of Port Ludlow on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State (see maps).

The Port Ludlow Drainage District was established in 2000 under the authority of RCW 85.38.  A three-member board of Commissioners is elected by owner(s) of land located in the District who are qualified voters of the District. RCW 85.38.105

The District levies an assessment to fund District activities that is authorized by Jefferson County ordinance.  RCW 85.38.160 requires the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners (BoCC) to hold a public hearing to review the District assessment system every four years and approve an assessment system on or before September 1st of that year.

District Maps

Click on any of the images for an enlargement or click on the text to download a PDF of the map.

Below are drawings from the District Inventory showing current and potential areas; color coded by: Red=Facilities Installed by the District, Green=Other Area Maintenance Activities (facilities installed by others), Blue=Areas to Watch (facilities installed by others)

Overall Map June 2024

Area Inventory

History & Documents

Historical Background

Assessment System 2001-2024


Election Results

The week of December 11-15, 2023, was the Candidate Filing Period for the February 2024 Special District General Election. One position was open: Position No. 2 for a six-year term ending February 2030. Two candidates filed for the Commissioner 2 position: incumbent Dean Cole and Ron (Ronald) Mountain. Each candidate filed a statement which can be viewed on PLDD.org.

On February 6, 2024, an election was held for Port Ludlow Drainage District Commissioner 2. The election was held with in-person voting, at the LMC Beach Club, Bay View Room, 121 Marina View Drive, Port Ludlow, Washington, 98365 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. County Auditor Brenda Huntingford and Quinn Grewell, Election Coordinator, were present during this time and transported the sealed ballot boxes back to the Auditors office that evening. Commissioner 3 Michael Nilssen, his wife Jackie Nilssen and Jeffery Sarantopulos volunteered as election officials during the voting period.

The election results were certified by the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners on February 27, 2024. Dean Cole was the winner with the voting count of 108 for Dean and 22 for Ron.


Election Results
Commissioners 2 and 3 resigned in August and September of 2021.  The Commissioner 1 position was vacant since the end of 2019.  The County filled the Commissioner 1, 2 and 3 positions with appointments between August and October to serve as  interim Commissioner until the February 8, 2022 Election.   The week of December 13-17, 2021 was the Candidate Filing Period for the February 2022 Special District General Election. Three positions were open:  Position No. 1 for the remaining four years of a term ending February 2026; Position No.2 for the remaining two years of a term ending Feb-2024, Position No. 3 for a term of six years, ending Feb-2028.  The interim Commissioners – Gary Rygmyr, Commissioner 1, Dean Cole, Commissioner 2 and Michael Nilssen, Commissioner 3 all filed papers to run for the February 8, 2022 Election.  All three candidates were unopposed, therefore per RCW 85.38.115, no election was held and the single candidate for each position was considered to have been elected to the position.


History of Assessments

Election Results – No Election

The week of December 9-13, 2019 was the Candidate Filing Period for the February 4, 2020 Special District General Election. One position was open: Position No.1 for a new term of six years ending Feb-2026.

No candidate filed; therefore per RCW 85.38.115, no election will be held and the position shall be treated as vacant.


Election Results – No Election

The week of December 11-15, 2017 was the Candidate Filing Period for the February 6, 2018 Special District General Election. Three positions were open: Position No.1 for the remaining two years of a term ending Feb-2020, Position No.2 for a term of six years, ending Feb-2024; and Position No.3 for the remaining four years of a term ending Feb-2022.

All three candidates that filed were unopposed, therefore per RCW 85.38.115, no election was held and the single candidate for each position was considered to have been elected to the position.


Projects Started… currently district has undertaken 18 Drainage Projects with construction costs of $977,600 for completed Capital Improvement Projects (CIP); see Oct 17, 2017 CIP recap with project list – PDF.


Background – History/Testimony 2012 – PDF


The following articles were originally published in the Port Ludlow Voice unless noted otherwise. You can view or download or print the articles individually or as a Compilation (~20GB) that includes all the articles prefaced by an index.

  1. 1999 Nov, page 2 “Storm Water District Moves Forward”
  2. 2000 Jun, page 5 “Drainage District Election Approved”
  3. 2000 Aug, page 1 “Will Port Ludlow Have Its Own Perfect Storm?”
  4. 2000 Sep, page 12 “LOA Meeting Summary- Supports Drainage District”
  5. 2000 Sep., page 14 “A Special Note Regarding the Drainage District Election”
  6. 2001 Jul, page 5 “Drainage District to Determine Assessments”
  7. 2001 Aug, page 7 “Commissioners Conduct Public Hearing on Drainage”
  8. 2002 Mar, page 4 “Drainage Commissioners Elected”
  9. 2003 Aug, page 7 “Drainage District Update”
  10. 2004 Jul, page 3 “Your Drainage District at Work”
  11. 2005 Oct, page 22 “Your Drainage District at Work”
  12. 2007 Mar, page 1 “PLVC…asks for PLDD approval of detention pond for Admiralty III…”
  13. 2009 Mar, page 3 “Check before you Chop”
  14. 2009 Mar, page 11 “Road Work”
  15. 2009 Mar, page 16 “Drainage District Discussed in President’s Meeting”
  16. 2012 Jun, page 25 “Drainage District Confronts Greenbelt Problem”, page 26 “Drainage: The Other View”
  17. 2016 Nov, page 26 “New Commissioner Appointed to PLDD”
  18. 2016 Dec, page 25 “PLDD Adds Another New Commissioner”
  19. 2017 Mar, page 29 “PLDD Gains an Engineer as New Commissioner”
  20. 2017 May, page 29 “PLDD Tackles Storm Water Issues”
  21. 2017 Jul, page 29 “Port Ludlow Drainage District – Outfall Inspection”
  22. 2018 March, page 34-35 “Driveway Culverts”
  23. 2018 October, E-Navigator “What is the PLDD and what does it do?”
  24. 2018 November, E-Navigator “Winter Preparation”
  25. 2018 December, “Drainage District Winterization”

Commissioners History

Jefferson County BOCC minutes, Nov 27, 2000